Tuesday, December 19, 2006

oxville booze on the 21st...?

who's going to be in town?

Friday, December 15, 2006

World's tallest man saves dolphins...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I am very happy to report that I got my first chance to play around a bit with Nintendo's new Wii console last night, and it was a ton of fun. I think this bad boy is cool, though maybe I'm still basking in its novelty, and I'm sure Andrew hates it already for some inane reason.

In any case, if somebody offers you a chance to play with their Wii, you should take it. (Sounds so dirty!) I only played some of the Wii Sports games, but the way the remote interacts with your gameplay is a lot of fun.

But that's not really what this post is about. In much more hilarious news, Nintendo bundled, with the Japanese release, an *ultra-safe* manual intended to warn Wii users of all the dangers of the Wii, such as the fact that it can interfere with pacemakers (useful), or that if you dump an unspecified orange liquid on it, it might break (not so useful). Hilarious.

Even more hilarious, though, is this Flickr set, created by The Iconfactory that details all the missing safety warnings that Nintendo thoughtlessly omitted from their manual, including the fact that you shouldn't let your Wii drive a car. Check them both out, because I'm actually not sure which is funnier.

And play a Wii. Nintendo 4 life!


Thursday, December 07, 2006

Everything you know is a lie.

As near as I can tell, we're all effed. Division by zero? A new number called 'nullity'? What's this world coming to?

(BBC link via slashdot.)
