Thursday, September 07, 2006

Who wants to get a league together?

I was just doing some Wikipedia reading instead of my work when I came across a reference to a sport by the name of "Cammag" which originated on the Isle of Man. From the Wikipedia article:

"One sport that originated on the Isle of Man is cammag. This is similar to the Scottish game of shinty, and Irish hurling [...] It involves a stick (cammag) and a ball (crick) with anything between four and hundreds of players. Sometimes whole towns and villages took part, or even played each other. The cammag can be any stick with a bent end, and the crick can be made from cork or wood. Old accounts tell us that it was occasionally covered in a rag to make it less painful to hit. Cammag season started on Hunt the Wren Day (26 December) and was only played by men (of all ages) during the winter. Realistically, it ceased to be played around 1900. However, in modern times, an annual match of cammag is played in St. John's (Balley Keill Eoin). As there are no rules to cammag, a trip to the local inn is advised to ease any feelings of cowardice beforehand!" (emphasis added).

Sounds suspiciously like a more populated, painful and drunk version of Calvinball. Who's in?


At 1:51 PM , Blogger dan said...

Incidentally, to those Douglas Adams fans in the world, it also reminds me fleetingly of Brockian Ultra-Cricket. Where's the chronosynclastic infundibulum at the meeting point of the Douglas Adams, Bill Watterson and the ancient Celts of Manx?

That might be incorrect usage of "chronosynclastic infundibulum" but I don't give a shit. Nobody ever comments on my boring posts anyway.

At 1:52 PM , Blogger dan said...

I wish you could edit your comments. There's a sentence in mine that makes no sense. Figuring out how to make it make sense is more than I can muster.

At 3:16 PM , Blogger ayatollah assahola said...

dan-- I shall come to the rescue.

i would gladly play Cammag. I went and saw a hurling match when I was in Ireland about 10 years or so ago. It was great. Super Violent, but with a great deal of skill too.

At 3:26 PM , Blogger lonesomeswishdog said...

I'll play cammag. I need a new hobby. Waving my dick in the wind has only resulted in mosquito bites, leering, and jeering. I'm sad and tired.

At 3:29 PM , Blogger lonesomeswishdog said...

also, i miss calvin and hobbes.

At 3:59 PM , Blogger dan said...

Swish! So good to see your face in the form of small tidbits of text on blogger post boxes. I miss you so. I thought you'd abandoned us.

At 5:04 PM , Blogger doomgoblin said...

is cammag also played behind a massive wall so as to increase the mystery of what is or isn't happening? perhaps brockian ultra-cricket's greatest contribution to the sporting world.

At 6:39 PM , Blogger lonesomeswishdog said...

i have abandoned no one. i've simply been in a coocoon for the past 8 months or so, and recently reemerged more beautiful and powerful than ever. enjoy.


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