Thursday, August 24, 2006

for those of you who haven't heard, two big pieces of news about friends:

1) andrew and andi are having a baby. they are stuck between two names: face face & isosceles wilkes-booth.

2) todd and kristen are engaged. now they are going ring shopping.

congrats to all involved!


At 9:51 AM , Blogger erock said...

wow... thanks for the news ccs. you've got your finger on the pulse. congratulations congratulations. i can't wait to meet face face (that's my vote)

At 11:35 AM , Blogger totallybloated said...

isosceles all the way. then he/she can hang with the tesseract while tard jammin.

At 3:18 PM , Blogger skirt said...

Holy cow, jackbloggers keep becoming more adult...well, some of us. Congrats Andrew, Andi, Todd, and Kristen!

I'm gonna go ahead and say it, andrew and andi are gonna make great parents. At least I think they would have been cool parents to have.

Can someone explain to me where face face originates from? Another one of my western friends has been calling me face face since our junior year. It's not that I think that this incidence of face face and ccs' reference to face face are related, but it would be helpful to have some insight. Thanks.

At 5:16 PM , Blogger candycanesammy said...

i heard about "face face" and "isosceles wilkes-booth" via noah everett, who claimed (rightly) that those were the funniest names ever and that if he ever had kids he would name them accordingly.

At 2:15 AM , Blogger skirt said...

unfortunately that does nothing to solve my confusion, but thank you.


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