Friday, August 01, 2008

scotch crotch, part deux

i must join daniel in protesting the utter lack of attention garnered by his scotch crotch post regarding the website, scotchcrotch.

since that post, the jackblog has been visited by 75 unique hits, only two of whom answered the call: stridewideman, who blackmailed me into linking to his blog and then ceased to blog entirely; and mr. assahola, esq., whose submission lent further credence to the notion that all lawyers are giant, stinking poops. i think we can do better, jackateers.

here is my analysis, which is over the outrageously austere 20-word limit, but under my new and far more reasonable 50-word limit:

deep within the crotch of every Scotsman live two forces: the crow of overwhelming pomposity, and the pigeon of unbridled devotion. these forces enslave the scotch-crotch. as to which force ultimately commands the destiny of the crotch, it is pure chance - a 'gamble' if you will.

i know this because i am half scottish.



At 12:11 PM , Blogger ayatollah assahola said...

Changing the rules of the game because you don't like the results? How very Swiss of you! Enjoy the lawsuit which I am preparing even as you read this. For your sake, you better hope the jackblog is incorporated.

this is an outrage.

At 10:55 AM , Blogger dan said...

I feel that it may be my responsibility to weigh in on this issue.

Firstly, Sarge is always wrong about everything he says, and I hate him. So there's that.

Secondly, the "outrageously austere" word limit was imposed because 1) I thought enforced brevity might inspire creativity; and 2) I figured more that two members of the Jackblog legions would be interested in participating--maybe even many more--which would make pithy answers so much the better. Clearly I was wrong on both accounts.

To that end, the contest is reopened with a revamped 2,500 word limit. Have at it, turds.

At 10:21 PM , Blogger ayatollah assahola said...

hate? i'm hurt.

At 7:24 AM , Blogger dan said...

I know that's a lie, Sarge. I've read your entry in the Monster Manual II and I know for a fact you can only be hurt by good-aligned weapons of at least masterwork quality.

So save it for kobolds, because this adventurer ain't buyin' it.

At 8:46 PM , Blogger ayatollah assahola said...


you make me want to vomit like a baby on chemo.


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