Tuesday, August 19, 2008

finally a campaign issue to which we all can relate

mccain aide michael goldfarb thinks it's cool to bash the D&D set:
It may be typical of the pro-Obama Dungeons & Dragons crowd to disparage a fellow countryman's memory of war from the comfort of mom's basement, but most Americans have the humility and gratitude to respect and learn from the memories of men who suffered on behalf of others.
the prick clearly rolled a critical miss on that melee attack. because, sweet jesus, read this thread in its entirety:
what alignment is Barack Obama? Chaotic Awesome?...Looks like McCain's campaign just made its saving throw vs. NerdBloggers...In order to cast the World Racial Healing spell you need to be a 6525th level Cleric...
and so on.

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At 9:35 AM , Blogger dan said...

Hilarious. I actually almost posted this on the Jackblog myself because it has spawned such a churning cauldron pot of emotions on my soul. Part of me wants to be proud that Obama's in my adventuring company. Part of me just wants to laugh my ass off at whoever wrote that. And part of me wants to get fucking pissed off. Who are these sonsabitches to claim that gaming is un-American? Fuck that! And so close on the heels of the passing of the Great Gygax, and American we should all be proud to call our countryman? Classless. Utterly classless.

At 11:37 AM , Blogger the cold cowboy said...

let's say he is 'chaotic awesome' (which remains to be seen): what class is he? a Cleric of the Hope Domain? his +4 charisma would surely make for some killer undead turning.

then again, that +4 could just as easily serve a Rogue from the Basketball Furies with 15 ranks in bluff.

At 12:04 PM , Blogger totallybloated said...

He needs no magical charm American flag pin pluses to his charisma. I am going to go with sorcerer as his class. He has the charisma for it and he can cast the same spells multiple times each day without rest or studying.

I don't know what level he is but he has cast stoneskin and mind fog (clinton dodging sniper fire).

At 1:17 PM , Blogger the cold cowboy said...

i highly suggest you add those sentiments to the ace of spades thread.

At 9:20 AM , Blogger dan said...

I like where the bloatbag is going by isolating Charisma as Barry's chiefmost ability score, but I'd like to propose a slightly different theory, namely that he's a bard. His charisma, you see, doesn't just affect him, it gets us as well. With his bardic knowledge and abilities such as fascinate and inspire proficiency, Barry has shown us our own worth, and pointed us toward the stars. Sure, this still provides him with a short-list of spells which is notable in that it's the only arcane list to include "Cure" spells, but I think we can all agree that his primary weapon is his instrument. In this case it is not an enchanted lyre or a fife of courage, but rather his soaring rhetoric. Of course, he is a successful politician, so there's very little chance there isn't at least a little rogue in there. I humbly submit: Barack Obama, human, NG, Brd6,Rog2.

And you have my vote.

At 3:58 PM , Blogger stridewideman said...


This is a link to a character proposal for McCain.

At 9:38 AM , Blogger totallybloated said...

nice like bloom. I love the guy who called Hilary Bill's familiar.

"his saving throw v.Blondes is not good"


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