Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Barry was seriously wounded -- but the soul still burns

i spent the last couple days in the c-bus trying to get out the vote for Obama. while we seem to have succeeded in franklin county, hill dawg triumphed throughout most of the state, surprising nobody.

what was surprising was this: registered democrats in Butler County more than doubled, and democrats now outnumber republicans there.

no se, amigos. that don't make no sense.


At 2:38 PM , Blogger totallybloated said...

It seems the people who vote for Clinton are the people who want to be given something to make their lives better. She knows this so she acts like she is going to give them something (jobs). Just like she promised jobs to northern NY as a senator 200,000 to be precise Today that has actually net -30,000.

Obama is someone who has made something of himself without asking for handouts and that seems to be the way he rolls. He is more about setting things up to allow you to get your life better rather then acting like giving you something will make life better.

I actually heard someone in ohio had this rational. Obama has too many bright ideas so he probably won't get any done, so he voted Clinton.

The thing I hate the most is my current state is just as dumb as ohio, and will prove it on april 22th.

At 3:38 PM , Blogger Vyux said...

It makes total sense when an R changes party affiliation to supplant the stronger opposition candidate in favor of a percieved weaker candidate (or one at the very least who will galvanize the R base). A doubling of registered Ds is beyond what anyone imagined, but I think it makes (nefarious) sense. At the county level, R's will sweep the Commissioner races (again), and at the state level we'll reload another set of R's into the House and State Senate seats. If it turns out otherwise in Nov., then I'll buy a buy a case of cheap beer for the next person to respond to the thread.

At 4:41 PM , Blogger stridewideman said...

I will a) be excited if that happens, and b) take you up on that offer, Micah.

At 1:11 AM , Blogger Vyux said...


At 1:04 PM , Blogger meatcoat said...

is it true that, by virtue of paying attention to this circus, we all deserve whatever happens? discuss.

At 1:24 PM , Blogger the cold cowboy said...

whether or not we 'deserve what happens', paying attention to it has sucked.

i myself have resolved to take up a new hobby for the next three months. mayhaps it's time to buy a wii.

At 10:10 AM , Blogger dan said...

Nay, good cowboy, another option is available: I urge you all, in the name of escapism, to organize gaming groups. I think we've all grown complacent with the fact that we've become scattered, divided, leaderless. We think that nobody wants to game. Well, I don't believe it! We will game in hills and we will game in the valleys! We will game on the beaches and in the streets! And ever will it be said that never before have so many gamed for so much gold and such little constitution loss.

Play on playaz.

At 10:14 AM , Blogger totallybloated said...

word on the street is that the 17 year old who played the sleeping 8 year old in the 3am commerical is pro obama. game over, obama '08.


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