Tuesday, July 18, 2006

So, I know most of you have heard the 9/11 conspiracy theories. and like myself, most of you probably are included to dismiss them. well, i was like that until I saw this one. It's an hour and a half. I'm not saying I believe it or not. But if someone is knowledgable enough to dispute some of its major points, I'd be all ears.


At 11:58 AM , Blogger doomgoblin said...

looks like some of the earlier comments have disappeared, but i wanted second ayatollah's sentiment. there are some seemingly unreasonably far fetched theories put forward in it, but the 2 central points relating to the physical impossibility of the accepted explanation are hard to get past.

i don't feel like i'm conspiracy theorizing as much as using my own eyes to see that what we've been told simply cannot be true. again, if someone knowlegable can explain the towers and building 7 and the pentagon, please do, i wish i could believe the yarn we've been given.

clearly one of the reasons it's easy to dismiss things like this is that it's just too terrible to believe. if the attack was engineered by persons inside this country/gov we are far further down the road towards violent totalitarianism than even the most politically cynical of us would have guessed, and that's not a rosy prospect.

papa sean posted previously that we should concentrate on moving forward rather than looking back (i assume implying that this film is looking back), and that whether the gov exploited a real terrorist attack or engineered a fake one we're still in the same muck.

I agree with that on the surface, but i think that the reason you should concentrate on the present is so that your energy goes into improving the present and futrue rather than lamenting the spilled milk.

but wouldn't exposing this crime, if indeed there is one (or many), help improve the present and future? there are situations where investigating and exposing events of the past can lead to improvements now, like nixon, and this may be one of them. everyone should at least check it out, and if you don't want to, think about why.

At 1:43 PM , Blogger doomgoblin said...

it's weird how easy some of this stuff comes up with just a little searching. Like this for example: http://www.theithacajournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060629/OPINION02/606290310/1014

article discusses how the FBI does not include sept 11 on Osama's most wanted page (with a link to the page) because the FBI has "no hard evidence" linking him with the attacks. As the video ayatollah posted, and a million websites, will show you, the guy in the confession video clearly isn't him, and it would appear that the FBI knows this as well.

okay, that's enough out of me.

At 11:17 PM , Blogger Rob said...

From memory it seems to me that Sean was pointing out that you don't have to believe Bush planned 9-11 to see that he used it to justify his ever-more-totalitarian agenda. I think the evidence offered by "Loose Change" is laughable--not on its face, on its merits. But I still want Bush impeached...

At 4:34 PM , Blogger candycanesammy said...

a good rebuttal

At 11:53 AM , Blogger doomgoblin said...

really? you thought so? seemed lame to me. and i checked the link he had to a site that claimed point by point debuncing and color me underwhelmed by that as well. It was mostly just an angry guy spouting off because someone challenged what he thinks is true.

his most powerful argument for lots of questions raised by LC was "why should they answer that?," or "where's the proof?" Well the point is that it all looks pretty bad. no the creators of the documentary weren't in the towers taking snapshots of the buildings being blown up by the CIA or whatever, but the whole conspiracy theory debuncing was basically one question asked over and over: "what gives you the right to ask that question?"

Sure there were some points that the guy made that made sense, and i said initially that it's clear LC speculates more than i think is necessary. But when it comes to the big broad problems (like where's the freaking plane?), sorry, but "you're just some guy, so shut up" doesn't quite cut it.

Also, there's more and more coming: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/01/AR2006080101300.html

why did NORAD lie to the 9/11 comission abouttheir responses? Stories like this fit in a lot better with the theories presented in LC than they do with the line we've been sold by gov/media. Where's that nut to attack the washington post? where do they get off asking questions?

At 12:24 PM , Blogger ayatollah assahola said...


do we know each other?


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