Friday, May 11, 2007

Too good to be true?

Is anyone out there still into snail-mailing? It's fun! It's old-timey! It means you supposedly care about the recipient and you can't say whatever jagoff crap you want, like what you typically spew in pointless, inflation-devalued emails!

Anyway, that aside, it remains notable news that the United States Postal Service has done the unthinkable and issued a Forever Stamp. From the website:

"In 2007, the U.S. Postal Service will issue the Forever stamp, which will always be valid as First-Class postage on standard envelopes weighing one ounce or less, regardless of any subsequent increases in the First-Class rate."

So for the love of Bob, please go buy at least 10,000 stamps TODAY! They're good for the remainder of time!


At 1:45 PM , Blogger stridewideman said...

This is an excellent ploy, which could have one of three interesting ramifications:
1. providing a large immediate cash boost to the USPS, thereby improving service or at the least allowing the Post to retain experienced managers (many of the most experienced upper staff were offered and in many cases forced to accept a buyout retirement package, with the net result that roughly 50% of the most experienced people in the Service retired, leaving the thing in the hands of the inexperienced, under-trained, and unprepared).

2. No discernible effect because the death knoll of the USPS has already sounded across the country and no-one even bothered to listen, the internet was so much more interesting and useful. We were all to busy blogging and downloading episodes of 'Heroes'. It is, after all, hilariously bad and excellent.

3. This a larger ploy by the neo-cons in their ongoing effort to kill any government agency that provides service to the electorate, and or privatize it, in the same way that Japan just did. The 'Freedom Stamp', if sold in solid bulk and volume, will deprive the USPS of one of it's main sources of revenue, make it increasingly shipping and tax dependent and thusly less compettitve vs. it's cutthroat compatriots UPS, FedEx-Kinko's, and the upstart DHL.

Thus easier to 'privatize', read: farm out to political appointees, read: destroy utterly.

USPS fo' life.

At 10:03 AM , Blogger dan said...

I guess the idea is that the USPS will no longer have to waste money printing out the $.01 and $.02 correction stamps they always had to roll out whenever rates went up.

All I see is a specifically useful form of currency not subject to inflation. Buy up!

At 6:09 PM , Blogger the cold cowboy said...

it's a total racket - the price of stamps has and continues to go up far slower than the rate of inflation.

i was wondering when someone was going to point this out....

clever ruse! an $82 million one!


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