Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The News In Brief! :good lord in heaven, what is happening to america's adorable white kids?!

like you, i am deeply concerned about the growing epidemic of missing cute upper middle class caucasians. while this wave has generally struck white teenage girls in the past, a closer look shows that males have not escaped the steely grasp of this shadowy menace!

this bright young reporter, potentially a target herself, reports on a missing white cub scout!

yes, somewhere out there in the water, where rescue workers tell us "in some spots it's deeper than others," our intrepid journalist informs us that sources say "something" has in fact been found "somewhere" in "Utah." what's more, "family members have gathered to go out to this item, to see what this 'something' might be...but indeed, someone has found something."

and while they seem at the present time to be unable to save our lovely suburban youths from the cruel jaws of missingness, at least our Bold Republican Leaders in Congress have found the precious time to bring to the house floor today the patriotic, pro-whitekid FLAG BURNING AMENDMENT!

I join you in supporting the amendment, asking How many of our youths must go missing while we sit idly by and watch communist nazi jihadists torch this dyed piece of patriot-cloth!?


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