Friday, February 11, 2005

conspiracy! conspiracy! some administrators workin' against me!

don't know how many of you have been following the gag about fake journalist "jeff gannon", but it's worth it if you have the time. dude got a white house correspondent pass under a fake name for fake news organization "talon news!" and used it to help out poor old scotty the press secretary with some made up garbage over the past year. salon had a swell article:

according to his bio on Talon's Web site (which has now been removed), he's a graduate of the "Pennsylvania State University System," which could mean anything from Penn State to a much smaller state-run school such as West Chester University. He also noted that he's a graduate of Leadership Institute Broadcast School of Journalism -- which is a two-day, $50 seminar run by Morton Blackwell, a longtime Republican activist who co-founded the Rev. Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority and has said that those on "the ultra left harness hate and envy in their quest for unlimited power." Blackwell's journalism seminar aims to "prepare conservatives for success in politics, government and the news media," according to the institute's Web site...

It was Blackwell, serving as a Virginia delegate to the GOP convention this summer, who handed out purple bandages in an effort to make fun of Kerry's Vietnam War wounds. They read: "It was just a self-inflicted scratch, but you see I got a Purple Heart for it?" Blackwell also served as a mentor to a young field organizer who is now Bush's deputy chief of staff. (Karl Rove called Blackwell just days after winning the 2000 election to thank him for his help.)

also, "Jeff" had mysterious access to the classified Valerie Plame files that were illegally leaked by the White House last year to fuck with Joe Wilson.


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