Thursday, July 01, 2004

A Lickety Poll

So, the cancelation of the Lalapalooza Tour has cut greatly into my current job by making it obsolete. Therefore, a life-altering choice has been laid out in front of me. My options as they stand right now are

A. Move to Santa Barbara and keep working with the non-profit who I am with now in a customer service postion. This would put me closer to the school that I would really like to go to, but I may not love the position.

B. Work on getting a job in DC with the Human Rights Campaign doing work that I am almost certain I would love. Just getting this position would take a ton of work and is not nearly as certain as the above position.

C. Move to Chicago with the best friend and girl friend, but take my chances with unemployment and crap job possibilities.

What would you do?


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