Thursday, May 20, 2004

the Bostonienne writes:

Today was sex day in the library. everybody wore prosthetic sex organs and I was paid $42.00 for writing a 200 word essay describing the color of DD's urine. Hey, what's a girl to do, right? Gotta pay the bills.

then i ate a bunch of sex-themed pastries in the sexeteria and scoped out JM's exposed butt crack while he bent over to retrieve a piece of barbecue chicken from under his table. then he ate it. but sexually. and nude. I just want that JM so bad, but why won't he reply to my inter-office sex memos? I just don't know...what a douche.

So then I came back to my office and my army of sexbots had returned from their conquest of the Harvard, but none of them had even nearly emptied their hydraulic K-Y dispensers! What's THAT about? Don't these Harvard losers now how to get down with sexbots? What puritans!

JM just gave me a the number for a psychiatrist and told me I had a problem. But i was too busy having sex to listen to that, so whatever! He's a loser and won't have sex with me just because I have the clap. Loser. I mean, I'm hot! My bikini is mighty!

Anyway, I think i'm gonna have a taco or something.

Here's to success!

-the Bostonienne



At 3:42 PM , Blogger AM said...'re a really angry individual, aren't you? yeah. yeah, i'd say that you are. wow. if you could go ahead and try not to use my handle, though, that'd be great. thanks.

At 12:33 PM , Blogger the cold cowboy said...

not that anyone would want to use your crappy 'handle', but i'm afraid this was posted far before you totally stole our idea and started blogging.


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