Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I'm so fucking pissed

Both my father and grandfather before me were Chicago firefighters. My father retired as a Batallion Chief about three years ago, after almost 40 years of service. With that in mind, and at my dad's request, I decided to take (tomorrow's) Chicago Fire Department recruitment exam, which was last offered in 1995. I thought it would be interesting at the very least, and who knows, there are many worse occupations.

So I just finished taking the "practice exam," as appears in the National Firefighter Selection Inventory Study Guide supplied by the CFD. The test is a series of simple "reading comprehension," grammar and vocabulary questions. Just a general sort of communications aptitude test. The following is the one question out of 70 that I answered incorrectly:

66) Firefighter Carol is taller than _______.

a. me
b. I
c. us
d. all of them
e. we be

I will wait to hear what the Jackbloggerz think the answer to the question is before I post the "actual" answer (as well as the paragraph-long explanation thereof given at the end of the practice exam). It's some bullshit.

The other zinger:

59) Firefighter Wells began ________ decent [sic] down the ladder.

a. their
b. there
c. them
d. her
e. hers

Why a firefighter needs to hone his/her spelling and/or his/her conjugation of subjective/objective pronouns is entirely beyond me.


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