Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Hide your secret microforms.

I have every reason to believe that the Jackblog's close friend and associate "Seth" is leading a secret life on the mysterious and exotic isle of Formosa. How can I possibly support this claim? I offer only this account, obtained from a top secret "Mailbag" article on

I am proud to say that I am maybe the only Reds fans in Taiwan and have been for more than 15 years. My question is, why not trade Ken Griffey Jr. to the Yankees, who need an outfielder, for Chien-Ming Wang, the pitcher from Taiwan?
-- Jimmy W., Taiwan

Who is this "Jimmy W."?? Where does he come from? What secrets does he possess? Note the Wienerian "W" given as a last initial. Note, also, the absurd optimism with which he details an improbable trade that the inept Cincinnati Reds Management couldn't pull off with a bag full of rufies and a magic lamp. I ask you only this: Why? Why has our little lamb gone astray? And what doom does this portend?



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