Wednesday, September 22, 2004

for all of you in the barn who care, swish m/f swish is now gainfully employed. i been chillin' with adults with various developmental disabilities, helping them integrate into the 'mainstream' community. so far, every day's been chock full of hilarity, but i gotta say the best story i have to tell (and this is mostly for flynn's benefit since he made a special request) has nothing to do with any of the clients. ahem...

it seems that last sunday sept. 19, one of my coworkers was arrested along with her boyfriend and two of his 'colleagues'. apparently they had all been under investigation by southern indiana police for some time. they were apprehended sunday while trying to fence about $60,000 worth of stolen goods. three of the stooges were taken into custody without much trouble, but my coworker's boyfriend made a 'run' for it. he jumped off the roof of their apartment building and broke his back. d'oh. anyway, on monday she was being held without bond awaiting her arraignment. with her one phone call, i guess she called her momma who then called work to let us know that shireen wasn't feeling well. of course, we bought it until my boss read the newspaper. we all had a good laugh, rearranged the schedule to fill in the now empty spaces previously occupied by ms. shireen, and went home. tuesday morning, now arraigned and prowling the streets, shireen called us to say she'd be missing another day because she needed to 'renew her driver's license.' again, laughs were had by all. that's all for now. i might have an update within the next week. james, i hope that suits your fancy.


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