Friday, June 11, 2004

Friday Morning Crap-Festival!

We're gonna relax the stylistic restraints a 'taste' today. so whoopee!

Robust Watermelon

Robust watermelon!
Stinking like an unkempt felon,
Drippy, rotting mealy mush
Over-sweet abhorrent rush
And seeds in multitude!

I found you in the produce store
Your stink filled not the air.
If I had known your robust self
I would have bought a pear.

You stink! you smell, you robust fruit!
An Odor Suit
You wear. And dare my nostrils
moist and fearing you.
You stench you stench!
Oh cruel time
Such a crime, my summer melon
Stinking, yellin'
NO not fair not fair!
My melon's lost to me!

Soft shelled-terror
So much fairer thy face if
Time didst not disgrace
Thy tissue sweat, thy fruity meat
O! Rotting carapace!

You robust melon,
always tellin
Girls to whirl and twirl
and dance with you,
but P-U!
What stink!
Who'd dare to think
of you as food?
Not shrewd.

So putrescent,
I know that's not a word,
but turds
are what you stink of.
Robust Melon.

hope you're all feeling the groove.


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